What’s New in Angular 8.0: Introducing The Ivy Rendering Engine and its Features

Angular 8.0 Introducing the Ivy rendering engine and its features

Angular 8.0 is the first version that officially offers a change to opt for Ivy. There are no real gains to do it right now, but you can try to see if there is something that is not interrupted in your application. Because, at some point, maybe in v9, Ivy could be the default. Therefore, the Angular team expects the community to anticipate the change and provide comments, and to detect all remaining problems before v9.

We all know that Google has just released its new version of Angular, that is, 8.0 only a few days. The developers and the community of Angular eagerly awaited the release of this version for a long time because, as announced by Google at the time of the launch of Angular 7, Angular 8 will be launched with the characteristics of the IVY engine.

Therefore, the overall expectation is very high. Angular 8 is Google’s first major release in 2019 that focuses primarily on the toolchain and also makes Angular easier for users to create different types of applications along with performance improvements. Except this, this major version also contains some new features and updates with respect to previous versions.

In the final stage, this version confirms that the new Angular version is much lighter, faster and easier. In addition, Angular 8 supports version 3.4 of TypeScript. Therefore, with the help of the new version of TypeScript, it is much easier to code with a faster later compilation with the incremental mark, the type check for global This and the generic type arguments.

So finally, Angular open-source web app framework has created its latest version, which is Angular 8.0, which consists of a highly commented renderer. We will explain why there is so much exaggeration about ivy and how the overall efficiency of Angular 8.0 will increase.

What is IVY all about?

IVY Opt-In preview

IVY has caught the attention of many people since its announcement in Google I / O 2018.

It was announced and explained by Kara Erickson, who now leads the future of Angular. Let’s understand what IVY is in simple manner.

IVY has been the favorite topic of discussion among developers. However, many of them still do not know what IVY is all.

IVY is an initiative that aims to build a next-generation rendering channel for Angular 8.0.

For this, the Angular developers are rewriting the codes that simply translate the Angular template to what is required in the browser.

It uses the incremental DOM in which each component complies with a set of instructions that make up the DOM tree.

In addition, it also updates it every time there is a change in the data.

As the IVY is completed, it is going to make the Angular applications smaller, simpler and faster.

You will achieve all this without changing anything in the existing application. The Angular team is testing IVY changes in more than 600 Google applications.

Two main concepts of IVY

  • Tree shakable

To eliminate the unused code so that the application can pay attention only to the code you are using. Therefore, it results in faster execution time and a smaller package.

  • Local

To recompile only the components that are changing, you would get a faster compilation.

Ivy Rendering Engine

The most important and expected feature of Angular 8 is the IVY rendering engine. Ivy is the new angular compiler, as well as a tool that acts as a new channel of representation. The benefit of Ivy is that it generates considerably small packages; it can also make incremental compilations easily.

Then, Ivy is the basis for future innovations in the Angular world. Since in the last versions many sections of releases have been changed in Angular, after changing to Ivy, the existing current application will simply work as before. However, this will reduce the size of the packages.

In Angular 8, Google submitted a preview kind version of Ivy. The main objective of this version is to receive early comments from the community of Angular Developers related to Ivy. Therefore, it is recommended not to use Ivy for the production environment at this time.

Benefits of Ivy

  • Provide the fastest compilation (probably released in Angular 9)
  • Many more improves the checking of types in templates so that we can detect more errors at the time of creation and prevent the user from facing them. (Probably released in Angular 9).
  • Smaller package size compared to the current compiled package size.
  • Also, provide compatibility with previous versions because, as rumors, Google already used more than 600 applications developed in Angular.
  • In addition, the code generated by the Angular compiler is now much easier to read and understand.
  • The last but most favorite of me is that we can debug the templates. I am pretty sure that many developers like me will like these features.

Differential loading of modern JavaScript

From Angular 8 onwards, the CLI will produce separate packages for legacy (ES5) and modern JavaScript packages (ES2015 +), which will be part of the overall creation process.

This will result in an increase in loading speed and interactivity time (TTI) for the modern browser. This work is conceptualized and constructed and shared by Manfred Steyer and his ngx-build-modern project.

Some of the characteristics mentioned below

  • To create optimized packages for modern browsers.
  • To create legacy packages for old browsers.
  • To make sure that the browser loads the correct set of packages.
  • To automate the process by facilitating a CLI extension.

Opt-In usage sharing

To keep your efforts aligned with the needs of the community, Angular 8.0 will add opt-in telemetry in CLI.

With this, Angular 8.0 will begin to collect anonymous data, such as the commands used and the speed of compilation, but only if you allow it.

This information will help them to know how developers are going to use Angular 8.0, so they can improve it in the future.

Improved web worker bundling

Web workers are essential to improve the parallelization and speed of your application. They do it by typing the main thread code.

Therefore, Angular 8.0 is adding construction support to CLI for web workers. This is done to address the common request of the developers.

Angular router compatibility with previous versions

With Angular 8, updating large applications will be simpler since they are adding backward compatibility mode.

It will make it easier for teams to move to Angular by allowing the slow loading of parts of the AngularJS application using the $ route APIs.

Dependence updates

As usual, they are updating all the dependencies in tools such as TypeScript, Node and RxJS to keep it synchronized with the remaining of the ecosystem.

When will everything be ready?

One question that all has in mind is that when everything is completed. According to Angular’s team, there is no fixed timetable for its launch. However, they plan to release their latest version somewhere in the month of May.

Angular developers are confident that IVY will have a great impact on their version of Angular 8.0. They are not planning an option to exclude Ivy in its version 9, as they focus on supporting existing applications and compatibility with previous versions.

The team is excited to implement the full IVY in version 9. This will be innovative, as it will open many doors for developers around the world.

The team said they would share their plans, functions and APIs once they are more advanced in the Ivy implementation process. The new version seems to announce a revolutionary era where development is faster, better and safer.


At Fusion Informatics, we are always committed to keeping an eye on the latest developments and will be willing to make the most of the imminent implementation of Angular 8.0. Fusion Informatics offers flexible, cost-effective and custom web development services to meet all your software development requirements. However, if you are looking to build a robust, secure and scalable web solution, you can contact our competent team of Angular developers.

Send us a consultation with all your development requirements to discuss with our business development executives at [email protected]

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