Microsoft Launches Bing Maps Preview for Windows 8.1

Microsft has launched yesterday the public preview of a new Bing Maps app for Windows 8.1 that runs maps into true 3D. The company has rolled out the new version of its maps as promised during its BUILD developer conference earlier this year.

The new app is now available in the Windows Store. However, as of right now, both the default Maps and the new Maps Preview exist in the Windows Store.

The new version of its app provides high-resolution 3D maps of 70 cities around the world, made up of a grand total of 121 million pixels – to give a “glimpse of what’s to come”.

The new app provides an extremely clear and detailed imagery of bing maps. It also makes Streetside, Microsoft’s version of Street View, available for those who want to take a closer look at a street from ground level. StreetSide imagery comes with road names, and what’s interesting is that the maps rotate when a user moves around the interface.

The new maps come with a search-box in the interface, with navigation controls placed on the left-hand side.

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