Desperate iPad thieves rip off man's finger

A pair of thieves in Denver, Colorado wanted a man’s iPad so badly that they ripped off his little finger to get it, according to local media reports Tuesday.

The victim, Bill Jordan told FOX31 News that he bought the device to give as a business gift last week and that he was attacked by two thugs shortly after purchasing the device at a Denver shopping mall.

“The next thing I know, I’m spun around. I see this kid…and he’s pulling (the iPad) out of my hand,” said Jordan, who said he had the device’s cord wrapped around his finger and couldn’t let go.

“I never heard it coming, I never saw it coming. I just remember this kid pulling and pulling and pulling and it got caught and took the flesh right off, the tendons and everything. There was nothing but bone.”

Jordan was rushed to hospital where doctors recommended amputation of the finger.


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